Monday, July 13, 2009

MCQ Answer Sheet

Instructions for MCQ Answer Sheet


The following instructions deal with the Computerized Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) answer sheet provided separately. These sheets are graded by a computer, therefore, it is very important that the candidates read and understand these instructions thoroughly before coming for the test. Non-compliance may lead to improper result.

OMR Sheet

Fig.01 MCQ Answer Sheet

Fig.01 is showing the new Computerized MCQ Answer Sheet that will be used for MCQ Type papers held by the PPSC.

MCQ Answer Sheet consist of 8 different sections

  • Candidate Particulars
  • Instructions
  • Signature of Candidate
  • Signature of Supervisor
  • Roll Number Filling Section
  • MCQ Answer Choices( 1 to 100)
  • Office Use
  • Time Line

1. Candidate Particulars

In this Section candidate will write name, father name, Post Applied for, CNIC and Examination Centre

2. Instructions

In this Section instructions are given for the candidate for filling the the answer choices box with examples.

3. MCQ Answer CHOICES (1 to 100)

There are a Total of 100 questions. Each question has four choices from which candidate have to select the most appropriate answer. In some questions, there may not be an exact answer. In such cases select an answer which is most nearly correct. Against each question one line of options from A - D is given.

Mark choice by filling in the appropriate Box of the line (A to D) completely, making it dark with Blue or Black marker as shown below.

Question 1. Which is the capital of Pakistan?
A. Lahore B. Karachi C. Islamabad D. Peshawar

Answer: The correct answer is Islamabad i.e.
C. Hence the box C should be filled in line opposite Q.1 on the answer she



Wrong Filling Remarks

The grading computer will mark improperly filled boxes as incorrect answers.

Computer will also mark boxes with stray marks or partially filled or boxes filled more than once , as invalid answer.


4. Signature of Candidate

In this Section candidate will affix signature in the signature box only. Signatures going out of Signature box may reject answer sheet to process through grading machine.

5. Office Use

This Section is for office Use only. Candidate should not write any thing in this area.


In this section candidate will write Roll Number. The proper way of writing Roll No. is as under.

Roll No. Filling Examples

Roll Number 1017
Roll Number 57
Wrong Filling of Roll Number





This Section is computer graded area. Writing any thing in this area may reject answer sheet to process through grading machine.

8. Signature of Supervisor

In this section supervisor will affix signature in the signature box.


What to Do

  • Use Black or Blue Marker only for solving the MCQ answer sheet.
  • Use Answer sheet for answering the questions, No answer will be acceptable if written on the Question paper. All answers must be written on the Answer Sheet.
  • Use of calculators is not allowed.
  • Avoid any un-necessary mark / line on any area of the sheet except the designated area for writing / filling of Answers, Roll No, & Name etc.
  • Use separate sheet for rough work, if required

What Not to Do

  • Accepting any damaged sheet.
  • Accepting any sheet that has some writing on it.
  • Damaging the sheet while solving the paper.
  • Folding the sheet or any corner of the sheet.
  • Filling the Box partially.
  • Fillingl multiple options for any question.
  • Writing rough work on any side of the Answer Sheet.


  • Total time for the paper is Two hours.
  • Each question carries equal marks.
  • Think before filling the relevant box completely.
  • Facing difficulty in solving any question, do not waste precious time. Try and solve another question. Time permitting, attempt the left over questions at the end.
  • At the end of the test, please return this Answer Sheet along with the Question Paper. Failure to return the Question paper will make Answer Sheet ineligible and will not be marked; besides any additional disciplinary action against the candidate.


  1. is it possible to make a correction by whitener or removing blister from wrong answer.



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